Basic Stats
Stat | Value |
Health | 1722 |
Magicka | 2013 |
Stamina | 450 |
Movement Speed | 97 |
Melee Damage | 5 |
Ranged Damage | None |
Magical Damage | Thunderbolt A thunderbolt that does 65 points of shock damage to Health and half that to Magicka. 25% chance of applying a stagger |
Magical Cloak | Lightning Cloak For 60 seconds nearby opponents take 12 points of shock damage and half magicka damage. Ancano gains 30% Shock resists |
Magical Summmon | Summon Storm Thrall - he caster summons an exceptionally strong Storm Atronach that brings the devastating havoc of Oblivion’s storms upon its foes. |
Standard AR | None |
Magical AR | 945 - Invunerable if eye is open |
Mage Armor on Self (Rank IV) - Ancano gains 120 armor for 60 seconds | |
Greater Ward - The caster creates a protective shield that negates a great amount of physical damage and negates up to 80 points of spell damage or effects. Also renders the caster immune to most paralyzing and life drain effects. | |
AP | None |
Health Regeneration | Healing Hands (Rank III) Heals everyone close to the caster by 100 points. Restores 100 Stamina, Does not affect his summon. |
Diseased | No |
Can Knockdown Player | No |
Type | Protection |
Shock | 25 |
Additional Perks
- Focused Mind You’ve learned to keep concentration when running or sustaining damage, thus all magicka penalties are nullified. Magicka regenerates 50% faster.
- Magical Absorption His understanding of arcane energies grants him 30% chance to absorb incoming spells, shouts, or enchantments, as pure magicka.
- Improved Healing - Healing spells are 25% more effective.
- Respite - Healing spells restore both health and stamina.
- Electromancy 2 - All shock spells deal 30% more damage.
- Stability - All Alteration spells last 50% longer.
- Improved Wards - Arcane wards are 25% more effective, absorb 25% Magicka from hostile spells, and cost 5% less Magicka to cast.
- Extended Binding - He can summon Daedra and Spirits up to five times farther away for 25% less magicka.
- Elemental Binding - His Atronachs are much stronger, and his high-level Thralls are immune to Banishment and Control spells.
- Improved Mage Armor He has mastered the art of metaphysical protection. All “Mage Armor on Self” spells provide additional damage resistance.
- Electrostatic Discharge - - His shock spells damage damage his opponent’s Magicka alongside their Health.
- Stabilized Binding You bend the barriers between realms, extending the duration of summoned Spirits and Daedra by 50%
- Shock Mastery - His fascination with Shock now grants him 25% resistance to it, while Shock spells are 5% stronger and 10% less costly.
- Cognitive Flexibility 2 - mastered the art of Cognitive Flexibility and can now maintain three summons of any type.
- Spell Armor - His Mage Armor spells reduce incoming elemental damage by 15%.
- Metamagical Thesis - His fundamental knowledge of Aetherial power decreases magicka cost for all spells by 10%
- Metamagical Empowerment - He is a master spellcaster. Duration and magnitude of all spells are enhanced by 20%.