Lord Harkon
Basic Stats
Stat | Value |
Health | 2600 |
Magicka | 1200 |
Stamina | 5300 |
Movement Speed | 91 |
Melee Damage | 10 |
Ranged Damage | None |
Magical Damage | Drain Life - Absorb 75 points of health/Magic/Stamina per second from the target. |
Vampiric drain - deals 25 damage to taregts, plus Absorb 15 points of health per second from the target. | |
Summon | Gargoyle Summons a Green Gargoyle for 60 seconds. |
Revenent Revenant The caster reanimates a powerful dead body for 60 seconds. | |
Reanimate Corpse - The caster reanimates a dead body for 60 seconds. | |
Raise Zombie - The caster reanimates a dead body for 60 seconds. | |
Utility | Vampiric Invisibility - he can become invisible for 20 Seconds. |
Standard AR | 255 |
Magical AR | Unknown |
AP | None |
Health Regeneration | yes 1/s |
Diseased | Yes - Sanguine Vampiris |
Can Knockdown Player |
Type | Protection | Weakness |
Frost | 95 | N/A |
Fire | N/A | -75 |
Poison | 200 | N/A |
Paralysis | Immune | N/A |
Wabbajack | Immune | N/A |
Knock Down | Minor | N/A |
Aetherial Shield | Immune | N/A |
Materiel Protection
Type | Damage change |
Silver (Melee) | 150% |
Standard (Arrows) | 33% |
Additional Perks
- War Axe Focus I - His basic war axe skill increases damage and armor penetration with one-handed chopping weapons.
[Damage x 1.05, +10 Armor Penetration] - Sword Focus I - Your basic skill with one-handed blades enhances your attacks.
[+8% attack speed, +7 armor penetration] - Finesse - His training enhances your power attack damage by 3%
for every piece of Evasion armor or clothing currently equipped, for a maximum of 12%. - Penetrating Strikes - One-handed power attacks are easier to execute, and further penetrate enemy armor.
[-50% power attack stamina cost, +5 armor penetration]